Since our last blog post the main task at the School has been preparing the campus and getting ready for demolition and new construction. This has included:
- Emptying classrooms, offices and boys’ boarding
- Disconnecting utilities, including hydro, water, gas, telecommunications
- Securing and closing public entrances to the affected areas
- Transplanting or removing trees
- Moving and grading earth for the improved dike
- Removing fencing behind the campus
Although some trees have had to be removed, we are trying to save or repurpose as much planted material as possible. We were fortunate that it was possible to dig up and move some of the smaller trees and shrubs and have already replanted them in other areas. We have saved wood from some of the larger trees, which will be used to continue work on our outdoor classroom. Smaller branches were made into wood chips, which will be used in landscaping projects.
Anticipated Community Impact:
Community members will continue to see construction vehicles coming to and from the campus. Sound from the backhoes and other earth moving equipment behind the arena may be noticeable, but there should not be a significant increase in noise at this time.
Preparations for demolition should be complete by the second week in July.
Next Steps:
During the demolition phase (starting in second week of July) Wildwood residents should be advised that noise will increase, but will be kept within the limits required by the City of Winnipeg. Please contact us with any concerns at the coordinates below.
Photos: Hamber Demolition

Contact Us:
If you have construction-related concerns or questions, please contact Lisa Klassen by email or phone 204.477.2403.
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